As more companies began reviewing legal fees, it became apparent to me that not all of these companies adhere to a strict unbiased methodology. Instead, these other companies often were looking for ways to reduce the legal fees with little or no justification. In response to this disturbing trend, I wrote an article, “How to Cross Examine a Legal Fee auditor.” (For a copy click here.) Since that time, numerous law firms have hired Jim Schratz and Associates to help them analyze reports prepared by some of these other companies.
In Department of Fair Employment and Housing v. United Dominion Realty (Case Nos. 07CC12067, 02CC12069), the court accepted our audit findings, stating that:
“In awarding fees in these amounts, the court has fully accepted the declaration of James P. Schratz in opposition to the motion, including all of his recommended reductions. The court finds his qualifications to be impressive. Likewise his reasoning as to why the fees sought are excessive is persuasive.”
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